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Order "Awakening Through Sound" - the new 5 CD + DVD audio learning course


In resonance with Life

The naked voice is your original sound
The naked voice is the wisdom
of your deep song
The naked voice is a fearless music
inside you



Chloë studied music and education at Cambridge and Norwich universities (1971 – 76). She has travelled worldwide, exploring a wide perspective on voice and sound, in search of “an embodied compassionate singing”.

Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë's fascination with inner sound and the singing voice as the most intimate vehicle for spirit, unhindered by the limitations of social conditioning.

Chloë founded The Naked Voice after a transformative experience in Northern India. Her autobiography, ‘The Naked Voice – Journey to the Spirit of Sound’, temporarily out of print, tells her story.

The remarkable range and depth of Chloë's singing is powerfully demonstrated in her albums 'Devi', Grammy-nominated 'Sura' and 'Fierce Wisdom', as well as on the CD single 'Singing Field'.

She has recorded and performed with Coleman Barks, poet-translator of The Essential Rumi; Angelo Badalamenti, “Hollywood's hottest film composer”; Byzantine composer John Tavener; Eve Ensler of The Vagina Monologues; film director Jane Campion (The Piano, Holy Smoke); Discovery Channel; the BBC and with leading jazz and pop musicians.

Chloë is presently working on a second book, ‘Singing Field’, to be published in 2008.

Chloe has recently released 'Your Naked Voice', a 3 CD introduction to The Naked Voice and this has now been followed in October 2007 by 'Awakening Through Sound'. This 5 CD and DVD release on the Sounds True label will make The Naked Voice work widely available to people all over the world in a home learning format.

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